Music Notes Whiteboard Magnets (Set of 34)
A set of 34 music notes whiteboard magnets, they come in a pack with 34 different music notes:
4x semibreves / whole notes
3x minims / half notes
3x crotchets / quarter notes
3x quavers / eighth notes
3x semiquavers / sixteenth notes
1x whole bar rest (can be used as a minim rest upside down)
1x minim rest (can be used as a whole bar rest upside down)
2x crotchet rests (quarter rests)
2x quaver rests (eighth rests)
2x sharp signs
2x flat signs
2x natural signs
Time Signature 2, 3, 4, 4 - can form 4 different time signatures
2x barlines - can be used with a semibreve to form a minim
They can be used on any whiteboard or on our Music Teaching Board
Set Magnet Size:6 cm x 22 cm
Each Music Note Magnet Size:From Quaver 5 x 3 cm to Natural Sign of 1.5 x 3.5cm